klang bar5 mr - New software version V099
Dear Community,
For klang bar5 mr a new software version V099 is available.
Changes in V099:
- Fixed a problem where noise was played in some circumstances via wireless rear speakers
The software version incl. Release-Notes and Update-Instruction can be found directly at https://www.loewe.tv/de/support
Best regards,
Dominik from Loewe-Team
Hello i update the soundbar i have the following:
I dont have the V on my display M099_A110 H016 D1.73.01.13 TXV0.27 RXV00 EU vs MV099_AV100 HV016 DV1.73.01.13 TXV0.27 RXV00 EU (on your setup from the download link)
There is a problem or i need to find other usb and try restart and update again? or its correct what my display give without the V (ex. M099 when need to be MV099)On the klang mr1 i update it too and i have the following:
CAP: 508.2.0.045
MCU: 0.099
WiFi Connection DIGI RCu9 (5Ghz), 380 -
Hello AlinD,
the "V" doesn´t make a difference, the update went fine at your klang bar.
The klang mr1 software is a different package and a different software version (see https://community.loewe.tv/discussion/157/klang-mr-1-3-5-new-software-version-v2-045#latest).
Best regards,
Dominik from Loewe-Team0 -
Update. My software after update
1)M094_A110 H016 D1.73.01.13 TXV0.27 _RXV00_EU
After i play some music via PlayFi and after i check again and on my display:
2) M094_A110 H016 D1.73.00.00 TXV0.27 _RXV00_EU .
I stop the soundbar, i go eat and in 30 min i come back and check again the software i have again
3)M094_A110 H016 D1.73.01.13 TXV0.27 _RXV00_EUSo there is somethink that change the software numbers and after change back to 1st software updated or?
I didnt try anymore to update anything with the usb. I only check from time to time the software that i have on klang mr5
PS: klang mr1 have the correct update that i download and put it with usb last evening : CAP: 508.2.0.045 MCU: 0.0990 -
So you now went back to M094 at klang bar5? Because previously you posted, that you have installed the M099.
A software version 099 at a klang mr1 is not possible, there are completely different software packages. I suspect that your devices are named wrongly in the PlayFi app, thats why 0.99 is displayed for "klang mr1" instead of "klang bar5 mr".You have to install the V2.045 at klang mr1 speakers (see seperate post: https://community.loewe.tv/discussion/157/klang-mr-1-3-5-new-software-version-v2-045#latest).).
Best regards,
Dominik from Loewe-Team0 -
No, its M099 i type fast and i didnt check after what i give
There is a problem with soundbar klang bar5 mr5 because after i make the update they give me other numbers on display. I will give you the movie now : https://easyupload.io/4z0w3q
Its normal to have this? 00.00 when normal need to be 01.13(For the klang mr1 i told you what i see on PlayFi app now: CAP 508.2.0.045 MCU 0.099. Its not correct what update with the usb?)
0 -
No, there is no problem. It´s just a sporadical timing issue in reading out the last digits of software version for one module. So D1.73.01.13 = D1.73.00.00. Furthermore, the update did not change anything on the corresponding Module, only the main software (="MXXX") was changed.
(Regarding klang mr1: An MCU version 099 can´t be true for mr1. I still think that they are named wrong in your PlayFi app and you see the version of the klang bar5 instead of the mr1.)
Best regards,
Dominik from Loewe-Team0 -
Trotz Verwendung diverser "alter" USB Sticks gelingt es mir nicht die neue Software Version zu installieren. Ich habe mich an die Anleitung gehalten. Gibt es Erfahrungen?
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