Anniversary exhibition Design and Innovation – Made by Loewe
100 Years Loewe – the exhibition in Kronach:
Loewe celebrates a very special milestone in 2023: On January 22, Loewe turned a hundred years old. Thus, today's company can look back on a whole century full of inventive spirit, design icons and products of the absolute luxury class. Reason enough for an anniversary exhibition in the so called “Franconian Gallery” at the Festung Rosenberg at Loewe's headquarters in Kronach with carefully curated masterpieces from 100 years of exceptional company history.
Since its founding in 1923, Loewe has stood for industry-defining milestones and cre-ated TV and audio products of unmatched award-winning design: German engineer-ing and iconic design combined with unique passion and versatile innovation. With more than 250 prestigious international design awards won in the last 30 years, Loe-we is today one of the most frequently honored German companies for exceptional design achievements. This alone is reason enough to take a look at the company Loewe from a design-historical perspective on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. In addition, a design-historical view has been missing until now, although the company's design strategy has had a decisive influence on the Loewe brand. Thus, Loewe has set accents in design history already at an early stage – this applies to product design as well as to communication design.
Anniversary exhibition Design and Innovation – Made by Loewe
On March 2, 2023, the anniversary exhibition "Design and Innovation – Made by Loe-we" was opened in a festive setting and in the presence of numerous representatives from politics and the industry as well as many special guests in the “Franconian Gal-lery” at the Festung Rosenberg in Kronach, Loewe's headquarters. It will be open for the public until October 29, 2023.
The exhibition presents a variety of milestones in Loewe's design history which have shaped their respective eras - both nationally and internationally. Three early exam-ples include the OE 333 local receiver (1926), the EB 100 radio receiver with integrated loudspeaker (1930) and the Opta 537 radio (1936), which is often referred to as the "ice skate" because of the distinctive design of its metal trim. Also on display is The first European stereo television, the Loewe MCS 11 from 1981, is also on display and with the design TV Loewe Art 1 from 1985, another absolute success product is pre-sented.
An associated volume has been published to accompany the anniversary exhibition, which takes a closer look at the company's design history. The book was authored by design historian Kilian Steiner. On 200 pages with around 100 illustrations, the unique combination of German engineering, excellence, exclusive design and quality is shown, which has shaped the brand culture right up to the present day.
Loewe. 100 Jahre Designgeschichte – 100 Years Design History Ed. Loewe Technology GmbH / Author: Kilian Steiner Verlag avedition – ISBN: 978-3-89986-390-1
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